
Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear Roly Poly Tummy

Dear Roly Poly Tummy,

I am writing to express to you how deeply sorry I am for the way that I have treated you over the years.

There have been countless times when I have gone as far as to deny your very existence, too ashamed to even look at you, let alone touch you. I have abused you and neglected you.

It is my poor relationship with food that has caused these feelings of disgust and shame. From very early on in my life I believed that food made be feel good - and the more of it I got, the better. It comforted me, it suppressed my feelings of loneliness and failure. It also helped me to celebrate the good-times. Eventually though, I began to wonder why I always felt so bad, and I began to notice that you were suffering also. I was overindulging with food, but somehow I still felt empty inside. 

I continued my dysfunctional relationship with food, despite the fact I had already began questioning it and despite the fact that you were showing signs of abuse and neglect. My relationship with food has been both obsessive and excessive at times. There have also been times when I tried to go without food in order to feel  better about myself. These periods were short lived and I would soon end up feeling starved, sad and alone.

I wanted to tell you that I've started to change. I'm changing the way I feel about food. I also want to take better care of you. I'm not sure how much of the damage can be undone, but I've joined the gym and started exercising more. I am already noticing a difference in myself and I think you are looking a little better for it also.

Food is still a part of my life and always will be, but the relationship is much healthier now and I am not so consumed by it.

Anyway, must go, I have another letter to write to Saggy Boobs and a trip they are planning to take further south!!

Much love,

Jode xx


Carmen said...

YAY Jody for joining a gym, it will make you feel so good about yourself. Do some pilates and yoga classes too, they'll do wonder for your wobbly bits!

Jode {To Sydney With Love} said...

Thanks for the moral support Carmen!!