
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life Isn't Always a Circus

Last Saturday started out as a great day. The Circus was in town and I had 3 red-hot ringside tickets in hand. We had driven past when they were setting up the tent and Little Girl was so excited. "I want to see the clowns Mummy". This would be followed with me explaining that they were still putting everything together and that we would be going soon. "When's soon Mummy?" I would say this Saturday. "When's Saturday Mummy?". It got to the point where I would no longer drive past the Circus so as to avoid the barrage of endless questions.

Much to Little Girl's delight (and mine), Saturday finally came. Hubby and I were getting ready to go with Little Girl. She was so excited. We parked the car and walked to the entrance, showed our tickets and bought something to drink. I wanted pink fairy floss. Hubby said no. I protested. He still said no. I sulked. He ignored me.

We barely made it into the tent. The performance had already started. Let's just say that the Circus was not how I remembered it. It was very dark inside the tent, a smoke machine billowed out great cloud puffs around the ring. I couldn't see a bloody thing. The performers were dressed up as spooky looking trees and mythical creatures that seemed to surge forward, closer and closer to the audience. The music was eerie. and the tent was beginning to feel claustrophobic.

So, when I turned around to find Little Girl had literally scaled her Daddy's body in one motion to get into his arms, I wasn't surprised to discover that she was scared out of her mind. She was shaking and crying and telling us she wanted to go home. I insisted we stayed a little longer, in the hope Little Girl would overcome her fear. She didn't. So, we went home.

In the car on the way home, I looked at Hubby. He looked a little disappointed. I was disappointed also. Our 'inner' children had really wanted to see the circus. My 'inner' child was kicking and screaming in protest.

We reassured Little Girl that all was okay and followed up with a trip to her favourite park.

So, what did I learn from this experience? Well, that things don't always work out the way you want them to. That there are some things you simply cannot control, e.g. a child's fear. And, that my sulky face doesn't work on my husband.

When was the last time YOU went to the Circus and what was it like?


Francophile said...
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Carmen said...

Oh no that is horrible! I have never been to the circus, mum thought it was too mainstream when I was growing up. I always imagined it as a tent full of magical experiences. I hope little L don't develop a fear of circuses after this.